德国喷笔 Infinity cr plus 2in1 126544 0.15mm 0.4 2ml 5ml油壶

  • 德国喷笔 Infinity cr plus 2in1 126544 0.15mm 0.4 2ml 5ml油壶
  • 所属分类:
  • 价    格:1539
  • 市场价格:
  • 今日价格: 有特价请联系
  • 优惠详情: 剩余数量总共数量
  • 最近热度:
  • 累计热度: 194
  • 综合得分:
  • 信誉得分:
  • 品牌:Harder&Steenbeck
  • 货号:bd96aedd856
  • 立刻联系购买联系商家广州怡乐化工


  • 品牌:Harder&Steenbeck
  • 工具耗材分类:上色类
  • 上色类:喷笔/罐/泵
  • 颜色分类:喷笔+126354调压阀+顺丰喷笔+快卸调压接头+申通喷笔+顺丰喷笔+F4水隔+申通喷笔+申通喷笔+F4水隔+顺丰

 德国喷笔包邮现货 Infinity cr plus 2in1 126544 0.15 0.4 hansa


 Infinity 2 in 1 cr plus喷笔,包含原装0.15mm和0.4mm口径的顶针和喷嘴,配套有0.2ml的油壶和壶盖,0.4ml的油壶和壶盖,如果需要其他口径的,请咨询客服。

Infinity 2 in 1 cr plus 126594 0.2mm和0.4mm口径现货发售中(链接请点本段文字即可跳转)





Product Description

Greater elegance, greater quality - and a healthier@ design: Harder & Steenbeck now presents the Infinity model with chrome finishing in the new CRplus series. Or, to be more precise, the new instruments are distinguished by a triple inner coating of copper and nickel and a high-gloss chrome-plated exterior. The advantage of this refinement is not alone the high-quality appearance achieved when compared with the previous nickel surface, but primarily the reduction in the allergy risk. Contact between nickel coating and hand perspiration can lead to an allergic reaction among some users and discolouring of the coating.

A further advantage of the new CRplus series is an innovative longlife needle seal consisting of three solvent-resistant PTFE seals distinguished by a new type of screw technology. The longlife PTFE seals provide reliable protection against the undesired emergence of air and paint also on the cup screw fitting, nozzle and valve.


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